
Showing posts from April, 2009

Moving On After A Relationship Break-Up

One of the most difficult things a person can endure is the loss of a relationship. While the death of a loved one eclipses this loss, a break-up is also, in its own rights, a permanent loss. The relationship, which was once alive and filled with hope has now ceased to exist, leaving at least one of the people involved filled with emptiness and sadness. The following words are intended to provide insight, comfort, and (in our fondest hopes) encouragement. They are directed to the individual who knows that reconciliation is not an option. When I hear from someone who is going through a romantic breakup, my heart truly breaks for them. Someone they loved is no longer theirs to love and the sadness in their words tells of, not only hearbreak, but a loss of self as well. It seems that one cannot go through a romantic loss without feeling that it's their fault, or that something is wrong with them. Before going any further, let's put an end to that myth immediately. People of all we

How to forget your EX.

HOW TO LET GO When you have to get over it, a lot of times it feels impossible. You go to google, you search for broken heart quotes, hoping that will make it better. Most of them only increase your emotional suffering. I had to write my own in order to claw my way out of the pain. I'll put my heartbreak quotes in bold so they'll stand out. You try this approach on. You'll see, the following suggestions, when taken, work within two weeks to greatly reduce your suffering: Realize that part of what hurts is not reality. It's the pain of losing the picture you've kept creating in your own mind of how wonderful things would be if he/she'd just get over that other woman/man, be ready for commitment, get a job, quit the bottle, or whatever. CHOOSE to create different pictures. All of us find certain types of people, certain behaviors, and certain looks repulsive. Each of us has our own, personal list. Put yours down on paper. Then, every time you miss him/her, an