
Showing posts from September, 2019

The Abusive Women .

Why does she act this way? Why does she treat me like this? Why did she say that? Why can’t she be nice? Why? Why? Why? The short answer is: Because she’s crazy. You’ll make yourself  crazy if you try to find meaning in her meaningless and casually cruel behaviors. Most of us try to understand the world in which we live to varying degrees. It’s human nature to search for meaning, particularly when there’s no ready explanation for certain phenomena. Its been over good 2 long years , I am trying just to be friends with this girl I love and married but sometimes I think she knows I am trying to hard and is good for a day but then next she behaves like that ultra bitch. How hard it can be to be nice to somebody who is nice to you ?? This is why this article is here. We go to therapy, we pray, we meditate and we conduct scientific research to try to understand  why . I believe a life without meaning isn’t worth living  but,  sometimes, in certain situations and with certain people,