
Showing posts from June, 2021

Nice Guy vs Alpha Male

Being an Alpha male is not easy . You need to have right mind-set for it . Infact, many are not even aware what that is or very little to comprehend.  Firstly , you need to accept the bitter truth . You are not an Alpha male and consciously start working on being one .  When you have a routine of these traits set it will become natural to you and who you are . Alpha mindset and man does not only guarantees you more women attention and sex but it should be adopted because it is the right and correct path to be on . The modern world is very deceptive and if you are not smart enough man to have boundaries as whom to keep and whom to walk away from , it might be troubling to you later.  In my case , I was not an alpha . I became one over time . I let go of many traits when I was in my LTR/Marriage but that was a big mistake. You letting go of your own rules for anyone you love is not right. Marriage or relationship is about making it work together. It isn't one running away and the oth