
Showing posts from November, 2021

Things she will not tell you when dating

From the very start, I remember every man in my life telling me that communication is the way. But over my time dealing with women from different states, cities. nationalities I have figured out something. Communication might be the best policy but there are few things that no women, in general, do not want men to know.  No, no don't worry these ain't some ancient techniques I am talking about. These are a few so call open secrets which you will know if you can find out on your own or by getting someone's knowledge.  These are things about how to deal with them and maybe they help you in your relationships navigate a little better. Less stress and more fun is our motto here. So without further adieu let's get this going.  1) Women have Lower Expectations than what you think - You ask a woman what type of a man she wants and most of them have one standard answer:  Tall. Rich. Handsome. Ambitious. bla bla bla. But do all of them get this type of a man !!!?? . The answer i