
Showing posts from January, 2022

Why Leaving a Narc. is Difficult

I hardly open up to details of my relationship. But when I go on, the one question which everyone asks is, "what took you so long?".  The average understanding of these narcissistic relationships is really low. The reason for being in it for so long is not a simple answer. My own shortcomings, past, my nature, me trusting her blindly, Love, etc, etc.  But why I ended up leaving was due to being in a place of forever frustration, exasperation, fear, confusion. These are not healthy states to be in. And this as well was addressed by my doctor. As I was in denial that I am in this state because of the woman I love and stay under the same roof with. Whom I share my bed with and to whom I am committed for life.  Ending a relationship is difficult. If both of you are healthy individuals then maybe both of you can acknowledge it and end it amicably. Both of them will feel the hurt, pain but then would somewhere be thankful to each other for all the good times. But in a narcissistic

Signs ! she never Loved you .

  New Year, New Me.  Well, with this motto I have started my new year. But going forward what have I learned is in this blog. This article is here as on the night of 30th December, sitting with random strangers, I realised this. We were all a little drunk. Goa on 30th December is probably the place to be if you love to Party. Believe it or not, I was on a work trip till the 29th.  So, I decided to give myself a 24hr holiday and gave myself 30th Dec with a flight on 31st back to my hometown. Met a few strangers at the pool in my hotel, one kind of smiled and I smiled back. It's a match !. She asked," want to join ?". With absolute, no hesitation and I said, "sure". She sat behind my bike and we were at the beach in the next 15mins. The clock said 1:30AM but we were just getting started. Few beers in and the topic became, "relationships". With the Arabian sea at its high tide and a cool breeze in my head, I started with the little sad story of mine on my