Her Friends are as Important as her"Before Actual Start"

The One Big Mistake most of us make when going out with your Brand New Girl Friend is forget how important her Friends are for her and you when it comes to your stability and relationship. You Should not forget the fact that they came before you ,and till the time you are in complete thing called "LOVE" which is Blind,it is very much a possibility that you will be thrown if so called Friends don't give you Green Signal.
I have seen with my own very eyes ,boys being dumped only because her friends thought he is just another dickhead. The girl retaliates when asked to dump as the boy was her choice but when entire group rejects she has no option but to ask you to leave then them . It will only happen in extreme situations that Girl will leave her Decade old friends for new Boy she found last Saturday when she was having her martini or beer in Club .
Personal experience - If good fortune you will have Second chance to impress girl but if her Friends reject you in the first encounter,you have to be pretty smart to earn it.Friends will take your side if they are impressed and you wont believe they are the best source when things are down sometime in future if you guys eventually go out.
So what to do and what not to do.What they see and look and where you should not look.I am telling you all these things from personal experience and what I have heard from friends .So, believing or not is up-to you but honestly they will work if done exactly as told.
1) APPEARANCE- Any impression which for your face and Dressing is done in 1st five seconds of any meeting .But it goes deeper than this. Women will focus on your clothing and looks, yes, but that’s not all. They want to see that you look after yourself, are healthy and clean. They pay attention to detail, so ensure your fingernails are clean and shoes are Polished .Buying special Expensive shirt for just that one meeting wont do any good for future.Remember women shop more than you do and will tell how much your shirt is worth when meeting next time accidently in the near by Cafe.Friends fooled means Girl fooled means you can be DUMPED.
2)Treat them as you Treat Her- Do you treat your Girl good ? Does she seem more happier,fun and relax when you around ? These are things which only your girlfriend tells them,if she does. But what about them. Its obvious when somebody starts going out her behavior changes and this change is what her friends will see.They will look for positive sides you have brought in her.If your girl friend is feeling embarrassed and is making weird faces and kicking you under the table when you ogling with her friends is something you don't want to happen.They will notice this ,and its end of story. If she is not happy with you then how they can be ??
3.)Manners and No Bragging-Ensure that you bring your most polite persona to the dinner table, because manners are underrated. No matter how handsome, charming or entertaining you are, if you don’t treat people with respect and politeness, you will fail to make a good impression. Manners don’t only apply to your girlfriend and her friends but to any outsiders, too, such as the car guards, waiters or barman. Pretend you’re meeting her folks if it helps to keep your manners in check.I have seen guys being asked to leave when the guy shouted at waiter who dint brought his Beer in time.Girl thought he is to angry young men and parted ways .
Another very important thing is No Branding of your stuff. Girl hates when you tell about the new Cartier watch you bought,the new car,the new alloys you got.Telling them about it is fine but overdoing it and keep reminding them about the Price tag is big NO NO.
4.)EX-Comparisons- We all have some past,and in new modern world it would be dumb of you thinking she was always single.And when you are 2nd,it means previous was disaster.Her friends know all about the dating disasters your girlfriend has been involved in, so they’re going to be noticing how you fare when compared to her exes. There’s not much you can do to prevent this -- how were you to know you had some random Guys smile and intelligence? But all you can do is be yourself, and if they seem to compare you to someone’s negative traits, prove them wrong.But the best way to tackle this is never asking who was he until there is need and I don't think that should even arise or if she herself starts comparing.
5.)Talk Point and Don't Flirt-Although you’re focused on making the best possible impression on her friends so that they take to you like a hyperactive kid reaching for a chocolate bar.It’s much better to cut out all the Bull shit and get real. Any exaggerated stories to make you look good or overused charm will come across tacky. Plus, they’ll be wondering what you’re trying to steal their attention away from.It’s much better to keep it genuine from the first moment instead of trying to win them over with theatrics.
And don't flirt with her friends ,especially the good looking one. This make you look just another player and you will be thrown off just like the others, trying to conquer.Under any circumstances do not look at those sexy legs or the Cleavage of her friends with those thirsty crow eyes.Girls notice such things in snap and boy you are dead meat.The latter might have worked on your girlfriend but these objective friends aren't seeing you through.
SO try my GYAAN and hopefully you will be Winner.
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