
Sorry ladies, I know you guys love to shave but this tip isn’t for you, unless of course you have a hairy face… or you’ve ever dreamt of getting out of a hot steamy shower with your man and shaving his face for him. In that case… read on (and try to resemble the woman on the right – and by that I mean be standing in front of tiles)!
I have noticed lately, after struggling for years with pimples and facial acne that one quick, easy, daily routine has led to much healthier skin in general and seems to be preventing large outbreaks like I used to have. That thing?
Shaving Every Day!
That’s right. I never used to shave every day. In fact, I would go as long as I possibly could NOT shaving. I would do this for a few reasons: shaving is a pain in the ass (I mean to do it right you have to shower, then prep, have shaving cream, a nice razor, and then a good aftershave lotion, and then cuddle afterwards – pain in the ass I know!), it takes time (and I can be lazy), and I like a scruffy look (I do have a baby face – but I don’t write songs).
So I wouldn’t shave. And I noticed, every time I DID shave, it would irritate my skin, and enhance any puss mountains on my mug.
But, for whatever reason over the last couple of months, I decided that I would shave every day. After the jog every evening I take a shower, step out, and immediately lather up and slowly shave my face. And guess what? My skin problems quickly went away. No more skin irritation, far fewer pimples, and a generally healthier extra white EDWARD CULLEN complexion. So before we get to the tips let me explain:
Why Shaving Every Day Is The Way to Go:
You Grow Your Hair Back Much Faster (and I measure my personal self-worth through the speed in which my stubble stumbles back)
Your Face Skin Feels Nicer – The abrasive action of the razor against your skin sloughs off dead skin, causing healthier, battle-ready skin to the surface. I know what you’re thinking slough is a term that is only used when writing about skin care. I agree.
It Looks & Feels Good – A 5 o’clock shadow, or Executive Close Beard (as I like to call it) is nice once in a while, but it could scrape your love interest(s) as you go in for a kiss.For GF issues...other articles are down below.
It Reminds You of Babies – I constantly need to be reminded of what a baby’s bottom feels like (ohh not you?) well, if you want that fresh baby butt feeling, shave your cheeks more often – your top cheeks that is.
Shaving Tips
Shave Every Day (see list above if you MUST be convinced)
Shave Immediately After a Shower – There is no better time, the water and steam has softened your skin and facial hair and mowing that garden will be much easier if the grass ain’t too stiff
Use a Good Shaving Cream – Get that shit lathered up nicely with hot water. I use the sensitive skin stuff – because I’m strong AND sensitive! But seriously, it does help to relieve razor burn.Don't buy creams which gets you girls in ads.Bad stuff.
Use a Good Post Shave Gel – Again, helps alleviate razor burn and restore your skin’s natural luster. That sounds good doesn’t it… but isn’t luster usually used to describe coins and metal objects?
Only Shave Down – This is a personal choice, but for me, my razor shaves close enough with one or two swoops DOWN. No need to go against the grain and anger the facial beard gods.
Keep Your Blade Clean and Dry – After every stroke, rinse your blade in hot water and repeat. When you’re done dry the blade and put it in the little carrying case they come in. This helps further dry it out. All of this combined works to make the blade last longer,I feel it does.
If The Blade Pulls Your Hair Toss It – Much like women, if it gets in your way, you need to punch it in the razor neck and throw it’s body in the trash can. In all seriousness, do not struggle with an old blade, it’s time to move on, cut your losses, accept your differences, and throw it out (I’m crying as I write this) and grab a new blade if it doesn’t smoothly cut your man lawn (aka stubble). Speaking of “mowing your man lawn“:
Manscape Your Man Lawn – AKA Mow The Lawn – use your own blade and your own way to mow your own beard garden. We can once in a while go 2 beard gardner but its nice if you learn all the techniques and mow it yourself. You know,home gardens are best gardens .
Enough now, Go and Shave !!
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