Friends for life-NO MARRIAGE

A man and a women can understand each other and be friends for life without relationship culminating into marriage. This what I feel and I read in this new research . Can men and women be only good friends ? or is Every cross gender super close friendship a potential sexual relationship ? The answer is not'they can' but they must ! If men and women work together,party,play and travel and generally co-exist together then they must learn to understand each other.

Both Genders have identical fears but do differ in perspective and outlook. Some of the Points I have come across from researches I read are :

-I was recently reading this article,SAPADIN wrote against a study in 1988. He asked 150 Men and women what they liked and disliked in cross sex friendship.While 62 percent of both sexes said,sexual tension was present,most men replied that sexual attraction was the prime reason for initiating friendship .Women on the other hand completely disliked sexual tension.

-This is a mans world,you agree or don't agree. Even in today's culture where men have been more equal to women,male dominance,prestige and dominance is something both have to deal with.

-In a culture not yet fully ready for cross gender friendship,the friendly couple maybe barraged with teasing,nudging,winking,scepticism and disbelief.This brings unnecessary controversy into play and even possible break up or distance.

-There are distinct differences,no doubt but men seem to benefit far more then cross gender friendships.Women spend most of the time discussing thoughts and feelings. men on the other hand discuss shares,cricket,investments.Rarely,do men friends share personal feelings.This is clear plus that men gain from women friends.

-Male Female friendship is women type of friendship.It largely involves one-on-one talking and sharing,and men never or hardly enjoy this with male counterparts. This is one of the prime reasons why men prefer more sharing with women.

We also feel scared inside to share with our close mates. As crying or bringing out emotions to some is not manly,but its nothing like that. Friends are friends,few stand by while others will just curse more and give you that extra drink. Women can only understand women is also the reason why discussing with them is easier,better and it feels nice when one women abuse other with such adjectives and simplicity.


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