Narc Lover

The girl was so shy when I met her 
made me go gaga and she said my smile melted her 

Taking one step at a time the journey began
with love bombing feeling divine 
every morning I promised myself it has to be her and only her as my sunshine.

From dates to kisses to fogging mirrors in my car
I felt I am the moon and she is my only star
Then I decided to push the bar
married her and brought her home so that we are never ever far

Few months into it I started feeling it 
when she accused me of not treating her right
I asked her to sit and talk to me straight 
she refused and led her father through 

The man who made everything worse 
both of them treated me so bad and had no remorse 
soon it became a silent treatment for the crime unknown
Death of relationship became inevitably known

Then came the time when she said love is no more
Leave the house and shut the door 
I tried tried but love can't be forced
So accepted it after 8 months when I could not take it no more

One day I got a call from the guard , she vacated the house
Everything is gone and taken by your spouse
Down to furniture , my clothes my underwear
When you don't want me stay, why did you dare 

Even then she was not happy and put it all on me 
Shaming, insulting and throwing me in more misery
Finally, they all came to talk at my home 
Thinking we will break him and take him back to our dome

But this time it was not meant to be 
The lover had got back to his normal be 
It took them by surprise how he is not on his knees
Crying , weeping , begging saying please

He held his head high and said it out loud
I only gave her what was she desired and I have no doubt
Let me be free from this toxic soul
Who has weathered , cracked ,broken and made me crawl 

They left with crocodile tears 
As the plan failed and it was the fear 
But then the real them came out 
Nobody knew they were this ego stout 

Give us the money give us the money 
It's all they desired
I have to buy my freedom or stay undesired
 Pain is not knowing her family is this way
The excel list of cash came from her and that left me in dismay


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