
Showing posts from July, 2020


This word is pretty much which sums my emotional state. And I can actually go on to admit that I am slightly above average empathetic person and a little less than over empathetic. Is it the right balance ?. Yes for all and absolutely no if you are with a narcissistic individual. Somehow, I have always felt that everyone in life deserves a second chance and if you love them, care for them enough; they will change and will become better and will be responsive to your efforts.  But sadly, this is not the case with the narcissist. On one hand, you being empathetic and want to make the other feel free and set absolutely no boundaries for them to see, "Look, love is not that bad and you can be as you always wanted. And someone is there for you, who will not leave you. Everrr". They think the other way around. They will become that bad toddler and will make you cry and push every single boundary line you thought they will never.  It's not them, it's you who is at fault beca