
Showing posts from August, 2020

Got Looted

She came into my life like a streak of bright light A bad day would turn into good with just her sight  I would talk all evening and she would listen to the random plans I made This was all done in the evening walk we took every day by the lake I thought I have found the one as I was so happy   Found the love I thought I never will  Saved me from this arranged marriage drill  Then I asked her the question and she said YES  I remember looking at the heaven and feeling God Blessed Soon the parents met and agreed The date and time was decided of our creed  We married and I thought I have my love  Only to realize it was not and we are not two doves. 8th day into marriage I cried   I knew the mistake has been made and it can't be undone no matter how hard I tried   I still told myself it's ok, Make your Love to feel her better this way  I had an idea her past fears and love for the past lover has awakened  When she did not share feelings and looked at me with eyes distend I tried to