Got Looted

She came into my life like a streak of bright light
A bad day would turn into good with just her sight 

I would talk all evening and she would listen to the random plans I made
This was all done in the evening walk we took every day by the lake

I thought I have found the one as I was so happy  
Found the love I thought I never will 
Saved me from this arranged marriage drill 

Then I asked her the question and she said YES 
I remember looking at the heaven and feeling God Blessed
Soon the parents met and agreed
The date and time was decided of our creed 

We married and I thought I have my love 
Only to realize it was not and we are not two doves.
8th day into marriage I cried  
I knew the mistake has been made and it can't be undone no matter how hard I tried  

I still told myself it's ok, Make your Love to feel her better this way 
I had an idea her past fears and love for the past lover has awakened 
When she did not share feelings and looked at me with eyes distend

I tried to love her to the best I could 
she tried to stay away from all that she would
Her Planning must have started 8 months or so into it
As that is when I started feeling the hit of it 

Slowly she drifted away and pretended during intimacy 
I know that was all her need and kept intricacy 
Then one day even that stopped 
I knew the day is getting closer to our final resort 

She then one day said it and knew I would not accept it
I tried, cried, begged tried reasoning but nothing I did could make it right
She wanted me to leave as she had made the mistake of getting married
She was not meant for it and could not bare someone asking her,"what time is it ?"

She rubbed the salt by saying I am a great guy 
But not meant for her and the only way to be with her was to be a boy toy.
I then decided to step up and leave the house 
As I had enough playing cat and mouse.  

That is when true colors showed up
She took everything from Gold, Bed to Tabletop 
I had married a narcissist and a gold digger  
And every move I made only did her trigger 

She took all I had and left me with nothing 
Even kept my favorite Bluetooth speaker 
I am ashamed of myself I picked her 
Picked her to be my better half 
If I knew, I wouldn't even keep her in my staff 

The Bitch looted my mind, money, heart, and soul.
Maybe all the above was her plan and the real Goal.


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