Fraud, Liar , Cheater


Would you care if we quit talking?

Would you care if I went walking?

I need to know how you feel

So I know how to deal.

I like it when you're by my side.

I hate it when you try to hide

All the cheating and the lies

Bring me one step closer to saying goodbye.

I know fraud is a fact

because I've caught you and family in the act.

I wish did not have trust in you,

but it's kinda hard when I busted you.

Seems to me you wouldn't care

even if I weren't there.

I always wonder who you're with,

maybe friends or searching for another dick.

I'm not saying I don't believe you.

Too many people have told me to leave you,

but you were everything to me,

which is why
I always wanted us to be.

Believing you may be a mistake,

but it's a risk I was willing to take.

You lied from 1st day to the last,

I got to know 4 days into marriage but I did not cast.

I gave all I could but you were the one who was stuck in the past

Never let the air come and help our relationship mast.

I blame you and you all alone, you can frown

You are the only one who did not care and the reason our ship drowned.


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