

Just another angry rant to release my anger. Written in Oct2019. This all actually came true on 1st Nov. approx. time was 10:40AM.  One of the biggest mistakes I made was to believe that I will fill the void she has from her past relationships and Childhood. Some people just fear when they see too much love around and just can't accept that it's all true. 

This is also the time when I was diagnosed with "situational depression". The term I had never heard before. It took months of self-healing and sessions before I became normal. From Aug2019-Nov2019, I went through several therapy sessions to move from it. I can never forget the amazing people who helped me understand the situation and the person I was dealing with. They made me even better than I was before I met her. It was only through this, I could open to my parents and people around me to talk and find a way to end it. Toxic people have toxicity all around them. Them having similar friends, similar parents is not a big deal.  The only way to win with a Toxic Person is to not play at all.

As I sit in my corner and think about your lies,

I have nothing else to do but break down and cry.

You knew it would end,

You knew it would die,

You knew one day we'd have to say goodbye.

You told me you loved me,

You told me you cared,

But the rage inside has slowly flared.

The moments we shared replay in my head,

Along with all the sweet lies you said.

You thought it was a game,

You thought you'd win,

But in the end, you felt nothing within.

Deep down inside there was a big empty space

That I now realize you couldn't replace.

Something about you helped me see

That without love I'm finally free.

Free from pain,

Free from lies,

Free from having tear-filled eyes.

Without your love I finally see

All the horrid things you've come to be.


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