

I have been thinking  about this lately

Old Memories drive me crazy

How Morning Kiss and Hug kept me going all-day

Working great and Making Hay 

Wishing you were here to stay 

Smiling having your LIT each day 

How we did what we did and looked Cool 

People thought we are doing it just right

Nobody knew how each day we did internal fight

This would lead to something big I had an insight

But I was pretty much unaware of your might

Knowing and still being played 

You Tried to made me leave but I stayed 

The times were hard , making me crazy

But I dint wanted to give-up on us baby 

But each day you were enjoying and I was barely breathing

Praying to someone I never did before 

Your good days were my worst 

I stayed awake and you had no trouble sleeping 

Things happen for a reason I told myself

Don't devote to someone unless you love yourself

They say they Love you but move out

Lie , cheat and eventually knock you down . 

I am happy it ended and ended quickly 

Suffering was too much and it wasn't melancholy

You could not move from past lover nor accept me 

I thought you have and added you to our family tree

Good its over , life would have been ruined

I can find love again and be whole soon .


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