She's Being Hypergamous


A lot has been learnt by me over the period of last 2 years , especially in these pandemic self introspection times. 

But what has been my over-all game when it comes to girls in general . How was I able to actually not have much coaching from anyone but still get girls during my younger days and now is something I thought about a lot in this pandemic times and also as what exactly I did wrong in my LTR and how much can I blame her for it . 

The end result to this thought was pretty eye-opening when I started digging deep and checking the same with my mentors and reading different studies .  My LTR partner was carrying previous relationship baggage and since I found proof about it and her being proven covert-narcissist individual  made me sad but a little happy at the same time . Sad because it HAPPENED and Smile because even then I did not stop trying till the end and it was her own sabotage which forced me to take action.  But what I am talking about here is as how I saw signs of her being hypergamous and did a lot to stop it but as she was more committed to end it then work on us , I was not able to do much about it. 

What also you need to understand is that a woman just does not jump out from LTR or even in general from relationships. Somebody has entered the scene far more earlier than you know or even to her realisation at times. Usually , she has been plotting it for weeks, months maybe when you find out . Being a devoted husband , helping her with chores and taking her out for date nights is not just going to sustain with a woman who herself has a previous baggage with her , is a narcissist and has already jumped to her new supply or worse , her friend circle has shown her enough freedom in being single. It's not your fault at all and if anyone has to be blamed in this case , it is only HER. On top of it , she is testing hypergamy by being with you and that too right under your nose speak volumes of her character and how insulting , bitchy and slutty she can be when she is still tied with chords of marriage . 

So, the three sneaky signs I saw in her and how modern women exercise open Hypergamy right under your nose with absolute denial and most of men without knowing anything at all about it:

1) Social Media - Her social media is like the new age thing today . She is posting these super pretty pictures of her's alone and you are like alright , this one is nice and it has zillion likes and comments . Kind of makes you happy and proud but then one day she leaves her phone and you click on DM's of these social media accounts ...BANG!! . Who they hell are these guys , she never told me about any of them and why the hell she is even responding ???  . You ask yourself these questions but then hold yourself back , it's ok she is honest and loyal. On the other hand she thinks the same way as well . I am an honest girl , I will never cheat to my bf/husband. These guys don't mean anything .  

But then one day she is mad at you for anything , pissed or maybe a little horny and with the woman we know anger is the best aphrodisiac . She will be caught by one of these men who will text her at the right time or vice versa and a new friend has been found. This will lead to exchange of numbers and with the thought of catching up sometime. Same drill and rendezvous point will be set. Can be office , same fav. restaurant , anywhere. At this point in time , the girl is like ..."it's just a meeting ,It is not a big deal , I am committed". The girl will even say this to the guy and the guy will be like ,"I know and I don't think like that" but after sometime she gets more comfortable and his strengths are now your flaws . This guy does not need to be a model looking . A decent looking is enough . Soon , she is doing more fights with you and sometime later you will be gone , she has left . If a woman is doing self-sabotage especially in a LTR then something has been cooking for way too long .  

I cannot stand such woman who are so vengeful in nature . Taking your anger out by talking to another man is just wrong , plain simple wrong . You cannot be in a LTR and uploading single pics in fancy clothes and locations. This was the sign I saw and even tried to correct it but she never responded and in the end I had to pull the plug. I am not here to give you Platinum when all you deserve is nothing but bronze. How can you look for options on social media when you have your Man with you . She wants you to be monogamous and is on the search herself . Ask her to mend it or release her to whatever the cost today or it will be for 5 times tomorrow. 

2) Girls Night Out - It's not like she can't go and meet her girl friends. But if she has started doing this more than usual then we have a problem. It's like you are sitting on your couch and waiting for her to return back where as she is in this club with her friends drinking , dancing to glory and getting attention of every single man . She might not have anything in her head , it is just another friends night but if she is doing this in regular intervals we have a chance of someone approaching her . These clubs are venues of hook-ups. She might say NO but in a healthy chat on your bad day the girl will say ,"I am not single" and the guy would say "does this mean your man does not let you have guy friends? " and all of a sudden the game has changed. 

From absolute no to "it's alright, we can be friends" attitude has happened . She might still be faithful to you at start but when she has made it clear to this new man that she has strings attached and he is still following , it's like she does not have any guilt and it's just his fault . She has no responsibility for this and this new man has given her plausible deniability . She knows she has nothing to lose here as everything is being done and risked by this new man . She will eventually start hanging out with him ,  more lunches to even dinners and then even might make out or even have sex as the guilt has been taken away by this new guy plus he has given her support that it's alright and your man sucks anyway to which she nods her head.  

I faced it myself and this is so not done from the girl as she has started using the freedom given by her man to find another. Girls night out of hours to weekend getaway to then 1 week away Internationally on a holiday without her man. This is being done to discuss things , see the world from new eyes and even looking for a replacement . She might not leave you immediately but your future is done. She is lining herself up with options . Isn't it weird that in most of the cases how the guy is always there when a girl breaks-up from a good steady man ?.  And you ask yourself , from where did he entered the scene ? . But the fact is this guy has been there for months . He has not turned up over-night . He has been there way before your anticipation and now she is going to drop you for this new man . 

There are many good girls out there as well who don't do this . I remember putting myself into her plans to which she emotionally blackmailed me by saying if you really want to ruin my holiday only then come along because you will be coming in-between me and my friends. Good Girls will not make a girls trip to Istanbul or other places without you . They will not make trip to clubs in Happy Hours after work with girlfriends especially who are single. A married woman needs to know the limits and the female friends she wants in her life. If she sees them everyday especially after work it will be a big drag for her as she might get carried away by the freedom. Such girls ruin lives and it is absolutely her fault of allowing a stranger entering her house and now her pants are almost down . These girls in my eyes belong to the streets . I can never forget and forgive such women who throw away love , relationships & marriages because of this attitude. 

3) By Dressing a little too much for a situation - If your girl has started dressing a little extra than normal then we have a problem. If a girl is a little over-dressed for a grocery shopping then it is because she is looking for attention . What is the need of wearing heels , tight jeans and looking far more than pretty for walking in the mall or showing a little extra-cleavage when going to a club with you on her side ??

This is because my friend , you are on your way out. She has started doing this for attention and lying to your face when asked WHY that she has done this for you . I remember working in PLANET M during my college days when one such girl gave me her phone number when her man had gone searching his favorite CD in rock section whereas I gave her 2 minute crash course in EDM. It was this easy.  Such girls wearing such attire is only for male attention and she has the audacity of doing this with you being right there with her. This is a big big red flag if she is dressed skimpy all the time . 

She can wear beautiful dress and look classy but not wearing tight body fitting outfit , dressing promiscuous when going for shopping . In my case I had realised shopping spree was on and she being dressed and doing fasting for special figure without mentioning anything to me about it . In our last days she once asked me to pick new dresses she bought from her boutique which she had left for alteration. Reaching there I found out that none of them were paid for. I very happily paid for it but never saw her even showing me those dresses or wearing any in front of me . I am sure they were wore to office or with girlfriends. 

I guess , this is it . Can't go on another rant but hopefully you will spot these and settle them down with your girl . Remember : The ones who are willing to run the course and finish would not abandon it mid-way unless something has gone horribly wrong . Communication is the key to every relationship. 



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