
Showing posts from February, 2021

Unrealistic Expectations of Modern Women

  Women of today for some reason is angry. Frustrated so much in believing all men are stupid. But if we all are stupid then why you want one in life. The understanding of a women who is especially single has literally gone down the drain. Even in the ones in healthy relationships go on to jeopardize or self sabotage because of these insane expectations from the man .  Looking at my past and especially since Nov 2019 when I decided to walk away from my LTR , women I have seen,met and dealt with have very unrealistic expectations.  So here are 10 Crazy Expectations I have come across (Girls aged 22-33) of today : 1) If you do not love me at my worst , you do not deserve me at my best :  This phrase actually has been taken from sports world . Where football clubs write this for fans who do not support them when form is down. But women have taken this and changed its entire meaning. They use this so that man can keep his blinders on . She can keep all her bad behaviours , tantrums and doe

Castle Analogy

  I was having a little late night talk with my friend's last night . Standing outside this late night cafe watching different people , the topic of relationship popped up. Going through the entire debate was  fun. On my way back playing OCEAN by SEVEN LIONS and blasting speakers crossing empty roads , I had a thought.  In that discussion the words like ; Vibes , Compatibility , Connection were mentioned by my female friends. In other words one in particular , G . She was about feelings you get from someone . She believed in the highlights of the relationship whereas the other M was more about ,"ALL MEN ARE DOGS".  Now , the thought is relationship cannot be defined by highlights . "what an amazing trip we had", "It was a fantastic vacation" , no. It has to be defined by the small ugly moments as what the other did in those times.  You need to see the trash cans in your relationship . When the going gets tough you only think of those good times . That