Truthfully !


Sometimes , you just think about someone with nothing in mind . It's just a pure emotion . You like them as a person , human being & a little more than friend . But again you haven't expressed and probably no intention in near future. 

You just want to connect with them but they seem far away in distance . I recently felt the same .I wonder if she ever dreams of me and never tell me like I never tell her.

So this is me expressing ...Truthfully . 

The day ended and I dialled the favorite number ,

It ranged five times before I disconnected & wondered,

I smiled , and expected a call back ,

Seconds become minutes, minutes into an hour .

Maybe she slept ; said the heart , 

Maybe she's angry the head , maybe bad timing said the roomie ;

The confusion kept me up till the fatigue took control ,

Morning brings to the conclusion,

Speaking Truthfully, I miss you more than you do me .


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