
Showing posts from April, 2021

Love at First Swipe

  In these tragic times of Covid-19 times we all are stuck at home. But one thing which many youngsters or singles feel is the urge of a little romance . He has a new GF , She has a new BF , people getting married or posting reels and pictures on Instagram of "couples" kills you .  This leads to a search .  Search of a lover ,The ONE . So people in these times use the most advanced weapon and gadget created by the human race of 20th Century , "Mobile phone". It's your wingman. You download these apps of Tinder , Bumble ,etc and start your search . Swipe left to ignore , Swipe Right to fall in love.  But the Research here says that numerous hearts have claimed that they got hit by the Cupid arrow as they saw the very first picture.  I heard a thunder , lighting flash and my heart said ," She is beautiful. She is the One I have been waiting for. My entire existence is for her . It's Love at swipe Right".  In my time of being in college and my early 2

9 traits of your Narcissistic Wife

   Today , I really feel as I should tell you as what I did come across was a narcissistic individual whom I made the mistake of making my wife . So , what exactly is narcissism . Let me break it down for you today before I give you traits of such a wife .  Narcissism is a set of personality traits . Characterized by being self-centered, having a sense of entitlement,having a need of admiration and most importantly low agreeableness. When you move past this . It has two types of Narcissistic people   : 1) Grandiose 2) Vulnerable 1) Grandiose - You will see them being super confident , Superficial charm , being arrogant , being resistant to criticism,being callous, unemotional and having externalized anger.   2) Vulnerable - They will be distrusting, feeling insecure,resentful, having lot of shame, being hypersensitive to criticism , being distant, cold,unforgiving and having internalized anger.  But during my therapy and learning more and even being with one I was told and experienced

Are you her Rebound

  "I fell in Love with her .  I married her . I was so excited about my life with her and even wanted a child.  She was the one person I chose in my life who made me happy. She made me feel loved, secured , complete as a man. But now what all does this say about me ? That everything I had with her was a figment of my imagination. Infact more than figment .  It was a lie . Everything was right in from me and I could not see it. I just believed it . All of it .  Nothing . No sentence , no punishment, no revenge could ever come close to making up for what she has done. She . Me . Us was a lie. My life for 2 years was a lie. Every feeling. Every Memory. " These lines are one of my previous articles . But they make complete sense for this topic . As I was never involved in one and trusted her with my heart and soul I could never make out that I was just a rebound. In such relationships like which happened in mine things move fast . Everything seems rollercoaster , fast and exciti