Love at First Swipe


In these tragic times of Covid-19 times we all are stuck at home. But one thing which many youngsters or singles feel is the urge of a little romance . He has a new GF , She has a new BF , people getting married or posting reels and pictures on Instagram of "couples" kills you . 

This leads to a search .  Search of a lover ,The ONE . So people in these times use the most advanced weapon and gadget created by the human race of 20th Century , "Mobile phone". It's your wingman. You download these apps of Tinder , Bumble ,etc and start your search . Swipe left to ignore , Swipe Right to fall in love. 

But the Research here says that numerous hearts have claimed that they got hit by the Cupid arrow as they saw the very first picture.  I heard a thunder , lighting flash and my heart said ," She is beautiful. She is the One I have been waiting for. My entire existence is for her . It's Love at swipe Right". 

In my time of being in college and my early 20's , it was love at first sight. It mattered at our psychological state at that very moment. Many faces will walk by you which you won't notice but then that one face makes you Amenadiel. The time slows down , her hair looks extra bouncy , her eyes sparkle and that smile is brighter than 100 suns .  This is my definition with obviously Kylie Minogue song in the background "Love at first sight". But if you want Wikipedia then :  A person or character feels an instant, extreme, and ultimately long-lasting romantic attraction for a stranger upon first seeing that stranger .

This does not happen today anymore and in these days it can't. I also ended up being a victim of these apps and to my surprise I so got to admit that the response has been pretty flattering . Whichever app I downloaded and tried I have got plenty of swipes. A couple of digital flings ended after months and many never lifted-off after "Hey" . The girl wrote and then disappeared . I don't know what happened really but the couple which ended were actually fun till they did last . I actually saw red flags and pulled out really . Many led to chats but then gone . Few are still in "knowing you' stage. 

My problem is I cannot do chat . I am an old school guy who loves to talk , hold your hand and walk by the lake with stars over our head . On Chat it just does not happen and I run out of words . Love is that experience of rib-tickling sensations , appearance, voice, gestures and most importantly her fragrance. Everytime she is , is actually there in front of you , her appearance goes 200 times up by that beautiful perfume of her's. You can see her gestures, her eyes and if she is reciprocating,"BAM" you have a match and this is your call to go for it from the universe.  Or just back off and let the girl live happily ever after.

Things move in your heart and mind and you say them , do them. How do I do this on stupid chat !!?

Plus , the entire pressure to lead the chat and make her laugh,smile and comfortable is on your shoulders. If you ask many questions ,it becomes a quiz.if you send a joke and she doesn't get it , it's a PJ , You take too much time , you are boring . I am not saying relationships and marriages do not happen from these apps but it seems pretty hard for an Old sport like me . I can do ice breakers but then I am not someone who can do much if you ain't matching my typing speed. It was good to wait back in the day and have some patience level but now the choices are endless . You don't get committed to just one like it was back in the day because if you wait for too long , she has swiped 20 Rights. 

If for a guy like me get 5 invites in a day and I am genuinely not that bad looking, imagine a good looking girl . She has so many to choose from. If she is a girl who loves attention and want validation throughout the day which 97% of these modern women do , it's end of your story. Because there is this douche who will give her exactly that , will have more money and she will fall for the bad guy anyway over you. 

I remember a saying which I still follow , " Even if it feels love is in the air , play safe for a bit".  But does the new generation understands this ... I have my doubts. But falling in love for every girl who swiped you right is also ain't right approach . Maybe you are just a little tired of everything that surrounds you or trying to fill the emptiness inside , yet it doesn't mean everyone who looks nice would do.  One thing which I have realized from my past relationships is that love, relationship building takes time. It also takes time for you to find out what is really inside you for that person . Many have taken infatuation as love and have fallen . 

If you feel love is in the air and you have wings like Lucifer when you swiped right , keep it steady. Don't fly yet . It might be the ONE and it won't do any harm staying on ground. But if you start flying and it's not , the fall might just hurt you a lot more . 


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