Dutch Girl

This Poem is about a little crush I had recently . I met this 6ft 2inches Tall beautiful Dutch girl at my workplace . To me it looked like she was not comfortable being that tall . But being at the workplace I could not acquire much courage to go and tell her . Don't know if I will ever meet her again but wanted to express this short one-sided love story . So here it is :

The Sky has been a little more blue ,

From the day I first saw you . 

In the City of Rising Sun for 5 rings ,

You looked the only one I would want to drive away in the coming spring . 

Being so tall but smile of young & tender 

How would you be from the inside I wonder . 

You might be taller but that doesn't affect me , 

I love it when you look , smile & wave at me .  

I have the general feeling , 

that you sent my mind a reeling . 

You have me in a whirl , 

Hopelessly having a crush on a tall blonde Dutch Girl . 


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