
Showing posts from February, 2022

Ready to Love Again

On this valentine's day, I asked myself a question, "Can I love again?". Putting yourself out there again can be challenging, especially if it’s been a long time since your last romantic relationship. And sometimes you may not have moved on completely after a breakup. Trying to love again is a courageous act. It can take even more courage if your past relationship was bad or challenging. Taking the time to heal from this experience and learning to express your thoughts and feelings will help as you recover from this loss. While everyone reacts to a break-up differently, everyone does become a little wiser. For someone like me, who was in a mentally abusive relationship or worse if it was physical abusive it can be a scary thought. Grief is a normal response to loss. Most people associate grief with the death of a friend or loved one. However, any change in circumstances or relationships can trigger a grief response. It's normal to feel sadness and question things, es

When The Narc. wants you to Leave

The Narc. Will do absolutely anything to make you leave. This article is basically for anyone who is in a narcissistic relationship or actually dealt with one. It’s very important that the world is educated on this subject. And I am just trying to do my bit. Even if 1 soul gets some benefit from my experience, I will be happy. Nobody deserves to go through such abuse.  When you are in this relationship, sometimes the narc. does find out that you have seen the real face. The face behind all the façade. The real entity. But they don’t have the guts themselves to end it. In such cases, they purposely stay in these relationships. Not to save it but make you do it. They will purposely make it a living hell for you. They will start doing all those things you hate. They will increase the abuse by 10 times. Be it gaslighting, manipulating, lies, all these types of things. The emotional, mental and in some cases even physical abuse increases tremendously. The narc. even if they want to get o