Will Love Once again

A heart once full of love and life,

Now shattered by painful strife.

A man who loved with all his heart Now left alone, torn apart.

His once happy home, now a place of pain, A broken heart, a shattered chain. 
The vows they took, now broken in two, Leaving him lost, not knowing what to do.

The memories of the past, now haunt his dreams, A love that was once pure, now torn at the seams. 
The emptiness he feels, deep in his soul, A pain that only time can console.

The nights are long, the days are cold, His broken heart, a story untold. 
He walks alone, with tears in his eyes, Wondering how he'll ever survive.

But deep within, he finds the strength, To pick himself up, and go to any length. 
He knows he deserves a love that's true, And someday, he'll find it too.

For even though his heart is broken, He'll rise again, a love unspoken. 
And though his past may have caused him pain, He'll find love and happiness once again.


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