
Showing posts from June, 2011


Sorry ladies, I know you guys love to shave but this tip isn’t for you, unless of course you have a hairy face… or you’ve ever dreamt of getting out of a hot steamy shower with your man and shaving his face for him. In that case… read on (and try to resemble the woman on the right – and by that I mean be standing in front of tiles)! I have noticed lately, after struggling for years with pimples and facial acne that one quick, easy, daily routine has led to much healthier skin in general and seems to be preventing large outbreaks like I used to have. That thing? Shaving Every Day! That’s right. I never used to shave every day. In fact, I would go as long as I possibly could NOT shaving. I would do this for a few reasons: shaving is a pain in the ass (I mean to do it right you have to shower, then prep, have shaving cream, a nice razor, and then a good aftershave lotion, and then cuddle afterwards – pain in the ass I know!), it takes time (and I can be lazy), and I like a scruffy look (I

Single !!

"Singleness" redirects here. For the concept in Christian monasticism, see singleness of heart. In legal definitions for interpersonal status, a single person is someone who is not in a relationship or is "unmarried".[citation needed] If a marriage is annulled, however, or it is found to have been void ab initio (i.e. not valid in law to start with), and assuming the person was not married previously, that individual is single, rather than unmarried. In that situation, the law behaves as though the parties thought they were married when, in actuality, they were not. The term single in its common usage is often referred to someone who isn't involved in any type of romantic relationship, whether it would be dating, engagement, or marriage. Both single and unmarried people may participate in dating rituals and other activities to find a long-term partner or spouse. However, in some cases single people are not interested in marriage, domestic partnership, or other t