
Showing posts from June, 2020

Feel Like I Am

Hey, just need to tell you something that just can't wait Maybe you'll leave or maybe you'll stay But hey, I have been hurting badly for many days How to say Where is the time when our love did not care about anything Be it the world affairs or boring office tinglings With you, said, you feel like I am  I felt the same you made me feel I am  Hey, won't you come with me from New Delhi to Mumbai? Hey, we'll play aga bai and dance from moonlight to sunrise And maybe we'll stream Lucy million times in one day Be on our way  But, how things change And how the days keep ticking away And how I wish that you were with me today 'Cause I'd give anything to do it again Oh, how you changed Forgot the promises you made  Even to be there when the light fades I felt nice even in your shadow's shade But Love for Money was the trade you made.  With you, said,  you feel like I am  I felt the same you made me feel I am  

Finding My Way

I thought I have been spending my time Lost and wasting precious life But when I looked into your eyes I thought I am found and found my way  Yeah, we  both messed up a little too much But since when small fights led to a loss of touch  I thought marriage makes you find your ways  Being  a Couple one never get strays You cheated, lied said no love no more I tried all I could but you had drifted into the sea and I was on the shore I finally learned from the mistake I made  Giving you love and asking same was not a fair trade You wanted more than that  Rupees, dollars, pounds whichever is fat  I was lost once but now I am back to my senses Leaving you behind and moving forward is a newfound Intelligence.