
Women are incapable of love

  Before you go crazy, let me explain. Women can love and do love but are incapable of loving you in a way you want them to. The real reason I am writing this today is because of the realisation I had not too long ago. The entire world is divided into the Red & Blue Pill communities. Once you have become a member of the Red pill the entire world around you changes.  The boy band songs you heard about, "come back baby", "you are my world"; start sounding like jokes. The way you start looking at the women after becoming red pill is different. Way different from the Blue pill world. You just cannot relate to things which many people sadly are today. They are mostly your family members, co-workers, friends and even your girlfriend for that matter.  The hard part is that when you are aware of the truth, you realize that women, in general, are nothing like what Disney movies showed. In fact, they are polar opposite. They are engineered way different than what was assu

Things she will not tell you when dating

From the very start, I remember every man in my life telling me that communication is the way. But over my time dealing with women from different states, cities. nationalities I have figured out something. Communication might be the best policy but there are few things that no women, in general, do not want men to know.  No, no don't worry these ain't some ancient techniques I am talking about. These are a few so call open secrets which you will know if you can find out on your own or by getting someone's knowledge.  These are things about how to deal with them and maybe they help you in your relationships navigate a little better. Less stress and more fun is our motto here. So without further adieu let's get this going.  1) Women have Lower Expectations than what you think - You ask a woman what type of a man she wants and most of them have one standard answer:  Tall. Rich. Handsome. Ambitious. bla bla bla. But do all of them get this type of a man !!!?? . The answer i

It's ok If she gets angry

  From the years of experience in this world and the dating scene, one thing which I have learned is that emotions and feelings are the foundation of any relationship. Anger is the most important of all. Anger can be very good for the relationship if channelled well. The problem is everyone knows how to get angry but very few know how to use it to make the relationship stronger.  If your girl is angry, there’s probably a good reason why. Anger is the emotion that tells us when something doesn’t seem right or fair or that we feel threatened in some way—and in today’s world, there are lots of things that might fit the bill. From not so important things like not liking her Instagram picture to why you do not like her cat. The list of " I am angry about" is way bigger than any galaxy. Even the creator himself is also not sure as to what can trigger it.  But even if she is angry on a subject which she thinks is a waste of time and her state is not making you angry, she should lear

Modern Women - Marriage / Relationships

  With this modern dating and modern woman, I am a little confused. Plus this bombardment of validation from these absolute simps on social media really does little to help.  This new definition of feminism has also changed the dynamics from the last 5-6 years. After escaping the emotionally abusive marriage of close to 2.5years, I have now given myself to experience absolute freedom again.  This freedom is to understand women. The woman I fell in love with not only tricked me into believing she loved me but also mind fucked in making me believe I don't bring anything to the table. Whereas, I was the only one who was actually bringing value to the relationship. I was the only one giving and getting absolute peanuts or not even those in return.  This made me think and realise that there is a lot more variety, negative, toxic type in the women species than I was actually aware of. And women in general have a survival instinct in them. As men would go away to fight the war, it was wom

Woman love Bad Guys

  With my own experience of meeting, dating, and watching these modern women; I have never seen or heard once that a woman left an ass, **** man. The one who does not make her happy. Emotionally abuses her by taking on this mental rollercoaster where she can't get enough of him. I have never seen a single woman leaving.  Like these women won't ever cheat on this guy. They will be loyal and nice to him. They will never leave.  The funny thing is in the end it's the guy. It's the guy who leaves. Even though these guys will take these women to absolute cleaners but still they would not LEAVE ! .  It's actually this bad guy who dumps, jumps to another younger chick, or find's an excuse to end it. And after it's done, they go on a rant that they will never do that again. Anyone who does this again, they will not stay there for a second. But there is such a high possibility if it happens again, she will stay again. The reason is simple, they just can't get eno

Yes , I'm Single .

This summer, I have been very productive. I have worked a lot on personal development. I have worked very hard to save my permanent job and the team . Also got to work at the Olympics in Tokyo , and built a resumé in my eyes that will stand out amongst the rest. Can proudly say I have worked at 5 olympic events now and almost every big sporting spectacle is on my CV .  The personal front started with a good and a bad news . I finally managed to end my toxic relationship after months of pain and court process . Paid her money to please let me go . The bad news is that now I have a tag of Divorce on my sleeve which I never thought I will have . About these accomplishments, I am thankful; however, I am not satisfied. It did not take me until this past monsoon to realize I do not think anything will truly fulfill the emptiness I have carried with me since I noticed it. It is not depression. It is not underachievement. It is having everything, but that one person. Sure, I have great friends

Dutch Girl

This Poem is about a little crush I had recently . I met this 6ft 2inches Tall beautiful Dutch girl at my workplace . To me it looked like she was not comfortable being that tall . But being at the workplace I could not acquire much courage to go and tell her . Don't know if I will ever meet her again but wanted to express this short one-sided love story . So here it is : The Sky has been a little more blue , From the day I first saw you .  In the City of Rising Sun for 5 rings , You looked the only one I would want to drive away in the coming spring .  Being so tall but smile of young & tender  How would you be from the inside I wonder .  You might be taller but that doesn't affect me ,  I love it when you look , smile & wave at me .   I have the general feeling ,  that you sent my mind a reeling .  You have me in a whirl ,  Hopelessly having a crush on a tall blonde Dutch Girl .