
How do I move-On from HeartAches .

You know this story: Boy meets girl. Boy tells girl he loves her. There is no one else but her. But then, at some point, the boy says, "It's not you, it's me. Let's be friends." The boy changes his Facebook status to "single" and fills his Instagram feed with photos of himself partying with never-before-seen women. The girl, meanwhile, falls apart and tells her friends how unfair it is that he's already over the relationship, while she's busy analyzing every minuscule thing that she might have done wrong, for months, maybe even years. Well, this is not how every story is and these days it's the girl who does this and as this Blog is about me and by me, therefore, the story has to be mine So many of my friends and people ask me as to how did I exactly moved on or I am still from the big relationship setback I had recently. Now, it's not a skill I have developed but a process which took time to adapt . Thanks to my Ex-Wife who gave me dep...

The Signs That Your Relationship Won't Last Long

  There are a number of things that actually become the cornerstone as of why a particular relationship won't last or of its demise.  I have been in few myself and have more or less identified the TOP 4, I believe are the real Killers.   Without further hold-up, let's get down to business : 1) Indifference -  Any relationship as written in one of my other articles, here is the link:  would require to have a paradigm shift. The indifferences would eventually start popping up in time and the problem start's really killing it when one or both fundamentally stop to care for each other. The entire relationship, time spent, memories have been wrapped, packed and thrown out of the window and you just DO NOT CARE. It's like self-acceptance that I might be married but WTF!  I am just better of alone or look as to how my colleague's husband treats her after 1 year of marriage or maybe 10 y...

I am a Difficult and Different Man to be in Love with

  The entire concept of being with someone you love and staying with them forever is my idea of true love. I am not that of a demanding guy and adjust to everything in a jiffy, thanks to my zodiac. The problem is that I am not your actual movie or a novel lover. My idea of love is different and it does not involve dancing around the trees or saying those fancy lines. I will show you I am happy for you but the actions would be very subtle mostly. Sometimes, might be too loud. I am a very emotional or should I say sensitive kind of guy and what I will do in what situation is something which is still a mystery to myself.    Being an easy-going guy with really no big fuss about anything, a good career and family is difficult to be with!  HOW?    Probably, the concept of ME is something that women, I have been with did not understand. I can be loud and be absolute excited one day and be passive the next . To you, it might give an impression, that I am just not i...

EGO - Relationship Killer .

  "And they lived happily ever after" . This is exactly what that beautiful story had in the end. But guess what, they did not.  After 6 months into that super love story which made them a married couple, now one of them have realized that "we as a couple are not compatible". Or the second reason is, the ego has jumped in between and now it's all about ME ME ME or I I I and it has led to them filing for a divorce.  The average understanding of a relationship is that everyone has to sacrifice and sacrifice a lot. Many couples think they are talking to each other with honesty but behind that sometime's is that hidden ego. The Ego, of I, am better than him/her. Why Cannot I do this and this thinking leads you to a paradigm shift in the long run.   Speaking exactly how you feel and being true to your self for a healthy relationship will require you to. dump your ego and have a change in your thought process and thinking. Many of the modern men & women won...

Silent Treatment - Marriage & Relationships

I f you’ve ever found yourself in a situation where you couldn’t get someone to talk to you, or even acknowledge you, you’ve experienced the silent treatment. Very high possibility that you may even have given it yourself at some point. The silent treatment can happen in romantic relationships or any type of relationship, including between parents and children, friends, and co-workers. It's basically someone actually just cutting you off from their lives for an undisclosed amount of time or even worse, just go MIA. Asking someone that you need space is not exactly silent treatment. Problem is where someone gets angry, frustrated and use this as a regular ploy to punish you, disrespect you or not even giving you the time or thinking from your perspective. This can be used anywhere between 1 day to 2 weeks, etc ; depending upon person to person.  Such instances leave you confused, irritated, frustrated and if it’s used regularly as a power play, it can make you feel rejected or exclu...

Keep That Spark Alive

"Keep That Spark Alive"; that is exactly what every couple decides and want to do before they actually make promises with one another to stay together  Forever & ever. But what happens is the exact opposite to it . One of them or worse both stop trying and it is dead before they even know it .  One can be a narcissistic individual as well, like in my case where whatever you do is not actually appreciated and you are told that you just cannot do anything right. Leading to the ultimate chaos of saying that,' we are not compatible" and legalities are filed. Guys usually face the music in such a case where the Girl asks for alimony or like mine did for extortion money. It can also be a girl who is mentally, physically harassed by the guy and it just turns ugly.  The Spark is those butterflies which you get in your stomach when his/her name shows up on your mobile screen . You have that smile on your face for nothing and in all your conversations with your friends him...

Caring ! Have I lost my real self In process to self-love ?

What makes someone hard-hearted? Maybe they grew up with “hard” parents who never showed love or affection. They could've had difficult circumstances throughout life and developed a shell to avoid any further hurt or critique. Perhaps they feel unloved and unwanted and therefore need to shield themselves from anything that could be hurtful. Or they could be  brainwashed —i.e., affiliated with a religious group or political party that teaches people not to think for themselves, and instead adopt and continually validate a certain viewpoint. Being the soft-hearted one can be a difficult burden to bear. In many cases, the harder person is also a  narcissist ; very self-involved and self-interested. You might try and get them to care somehow by crying, or ranting, or yelling or threatening, and they will merely say, “Stop attacking me” or “Stop your haranguing." They are masterful at deflecting, and in your vain attempts to get them to care, you will often find...