
How to be consistent in Relationships

  The relationship-building exercise is a pretty tedious exercise and yes I am pretty well aware of the same. But this entire exercise consists of one thing which at times, I have also realised that I have stopped being. The word is Consistent.  During my trauma relationship, I kind of changed as a person. The pressure was so immense to do things right that in the process of doing something new to make her happy, I forgot the basics. Being consistent. It's not that I am blaming this on her. But the level of chaos was so much in my head that I actually went down the drain. She, if she had been a better human would have seen and helped me. Unfortunately, that was not the case. So, I started becoming more and more and more with each passing day.  I would say things and forget. I would commit to things and then flake out. I stopped being initiative and started to forget or should I say never wanted to remember any birthdays. I felt I am over-busy and overwhelmed all the time. And out o

How to Make a Man Listen

One of the most common complaints I hear from women is that men don't listen    Be it at work where their good ideas are ignored, or at home when their spouse totally forgets what she told him. Why can't men listen? They can, once you learn how to talk to men the right way. So the next time you want to talk to your male boss, be heard in a meeting, discuss an issue with your spouse, or connect with your teenage son, remember that there are certain ways to teach men how to listen — and it all starts with your approach. Men don't hear as well as women. Honestly. It starts at birth and continues through life. This was first proven through studies in neonatal clinics where researchers thought playing soft background music might calm premature infants, enabling them to eat more and gain weight faster. The results showed a major improvement for females and no improvement for males. Further studies showed this because the little boys did not hear as well. This hearing difference

When you should leave your NARC. partner

Being in a relationship with a narcissist is difficult. So, if you feel like you’re at the end of your rope and you just can’t do it anymore, you’re not alone. When you just can’t make it work anymore or don’t want to keep trying, it’s time to learn how to leave a narcissist. The common symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) make maintaining a healthy relationship difficult unless the person is very aware of their behaviour and ability to control it. Unfortunately, this is often not the case for people. And while you may have tried your hardest to make it work, you may find that it is draining on your mental and emotional well-being. If you’re in a relationship with someone with NPD, you have likely been a recipient of their narcissistic abuse, and you might be wondering how to deal with a narcissistic partner. As you consider your options and determine that you are ready to leave your marriage, you may have the same concern as I had. Which was, that the judge or the medi

When you find out - Betrayed

Betrayal is probably the most devastating loss a person can experience. To be betrayed, the person must first experience trust in the betrayer. It is fairly impossible for you to be betrayed if you did not trust the individual in the first place. Therefore, the definition of betrayal involves the act of someone violating your trust in them. The betrayal I am discussing in this article refers to a spouse being betrayed when their partner just cheats. Betrayal is when someone you trust lies to you, cheats on you, abuses you, or hurts you by putting their own self-interest first. In my case, the entire selfishness of her for using me to satisfy her own ego to move on from her past was just a shocker. The reason that betrayal is the most devastating kind of loss is that most often it is a loss that didn't have to occur. It only occurs because of someone's deliberately hurtful behaviour, carelessness, or their own personal weakness. Unlike a loss such as death or illness, there is

Why I end up attracting Toxic People

 Let me start with a little message here. Guys, I love the messages and emails you write to me for articles and your opinions and well wishes. But at the same time please do remember, I am not a writer. I write when I feel like it. I am not doing this to make money or for fame. I have a full-time job which I really love. And the real reason why I am not able to devote time to this blog and give you articles at the pace many of you desire. But Thank-You for the love.  Let's start now.  I have had my share of the Romantic relationships in life. When I actually did make the list of all while sitting in the airport lounge recently, I was shocked.  The entire analysis changed my perspective and I remembered what my therapist had told me. The problem is not that relationships did not work out because all of them had something missing. Nobody is perfect and I too did few things and lack few traits. But the real reason was that most of the exes were just toxic people.  Now, the question is

I want a partner who is feminine and submissive

  When it comes to power in romantic relationships, men are often cast as dominant and women as deferential. But working against this are caricatures of domineering women with their “hen-pecked husbands” and “whipped boyfriends.”  I can already tell some of you want to leave the page. This article, however, is not exactly what you think it is. After all, who wants to be submissive, following someone else’s rule these days? Before you give up on this, hear me out. Read on. I am not a feminist. I do not believe that this word should be given any importance in the modern world of today. Feminism was needed back in the day but not anymore. You women have got so much more than you wanted that today the men need empowerment. Laws are with you, Quotas are for you, police is for you and even sympathy is with you. Finding a feminine and submissive woman today who smells good is like finding a needle in a haystack. We need nothing more . But it's really so so hard today.  Most women today ar

Letter to my Future Partner

  I remember all of it like yesterday. I was introduced to a girl by my friend. A girl she met at a wedding function. She told her about me and me about her and gave us the phone numbers. Our first phone call lasted for 1hr 28mins. The texts kept happening and a day later which was a Friday, we decided to meet. I reached on time as punctuality is actually one of my good things. I parked my car and called her to know where she is. To my surprise, she was standing right parallel to me. A slim,fit girl wearing a yellow Top with specs. Oh Man! she looked pretty.  We walked towards each other and shook hands. Said Hi and started walking. She said, she is not that hungry but god knows how I was. But to keep it light, I took her to this so-called healthy cafe. Interesting place where everything on the menu had calorie count written next to it. And that is how it all started. Now, who would have thought that this romantic story would become an absolute nightmare for me? Refusing to see red fla