
Got Looted

She came into my life like a streak of bright light A bad day would turn into good with just her sight  I would talk all evening and she would listen to the random plans I made This was all done in the evening walk we took every day by the lake I thought I have found the one as I was so happy   Found the love I thought I never will  Saved me from this arranged marriage drill  Then I asked her the question and she said YES  I remember looking at the heaven and feeling God Blessed Soon the parents met and agreed The date and time was decided of our creed  We married and I thought I have my love  Only to realize it was not and we are not two doves. 8th day into marriage I cried   I knew the mistake has been made and it can't be undone no matter how hard I tried   I still told myself it's ok, Make your Love to feel her better this way  I had an idea her past fears and love for the past lover has awakened  When she did not share feelings and looked at me with eyes distend I tried to


This word is pretty much which sums my emotional state. And I can actually go on to admit that I am slightly above average empathetic person and a little less than over empathetic. Is it the right balance ?. Yes for all and absolutely no if you are with a narcissistic individual. Somehow, I have always felt that everyone in life deserves a second chance and if you love them, care for them enough; they will change and will become better and will be responsive to your efforts.  But sadly, this is not the case with the narcissist. On one hand, you being empathetic and want to make the other feel free and set absolutely no boundaries for them to see, "Look, love is not that bad and you can be as you always wanted. And someone is there for you, who will not leave you. Everrr". They think the other way around. They will become that bad toddler and will make you cry and push every single boundary line you thought they will never.  It's not them, it's you who is at fault beca

Feel Like I Am

Hey, just need to tell you something that just can't wait Maybe you'll leave or maybe you'll stay But hey, I have been hurting badly for many days How to say Where is the time when our love did not care about anything Be it the world affairs or boring office tinglings With you, said, you feel like I am  I felt the same you made me feel I am  Hey, won't you come with me from New Delhi to Mumbai? Hey, we'll play aga bai and dance from moonlight to sunrise And maybe we'll stream Lucy million times in one day Be on our way  But, how things change And how the days keep ticking away And how I wish that you were with me today 'Cause I'd give anything to do it again Oh, how you changed Forgot the promises you made  Even to be there when the light fades I felt nice even in your shadow's shade But Love for Money was the trade you made.  With you, said,  you feel like I am  I felt the same you made me feel I am  

Finding My Way

I thought I have been spending my time Lost and wasting precious life But when I looked into your eyes I thought I am found and found my way  Yeah, we  both messed up a little too much But since when small fights led to a loss of touch  I thought marriage makes you find your ways  Being  a Couple one never get strays You cheated, lied said no love no more I tried all I could but you had drifted into the sea and I was on the shore I finally learned from the mistake I made  Giving you love and asking same was not a fair trade You wanted more than that  Rupees, dollars, pounds whichever is fat  I was lost once but now I am back to my senses Leaving you behind and moving forward is a newfound Intelligence. 

She wants money

She is or will soon see another and will act so sweet You wanna try, wallet is her only treat. She wants money, She wants money, she wants money Yeah, just money She shows shes independent and walks all alone She acts so sweet, she makes it known She wants company but stays all alone She wants money She wants money, She wants money She wants money, quick change She wants money, you just might be in her range. She has it all planned,You wont feel it She will lie and you still want to believe it She has her clan in this scheme She will stab and swim in your bloodstream She wants money, oh she She wants money, she wants money She wants money . In the end she just wanted money....

Narc Lover

The girl was so shy when I met her  made me go gaga and she said my smile melted her  Taking one step at a time the journey began with love bombing feeling divine  every morning I promised myself it has to be her and only her as my sunshine. From dates to kisses to fogging mirrors in my car I felt I am the moon and she is my only star Then I decided to push the bar married her and brought her home so that we are never ever far Few months into it I started feeling it  when she accused me of not treating her right I asked her to sit and talk to me straight  she refused and led her father through  The man who made everything worse  both of them treated me so bad and had no remorse  soon it became a silent treatment for the crime unknown Death of relationship became inevitably known Then came the time when she said love is no more Leave the house and shut the door  I tried tried but love can't be forced So accepted it after 8 months when I could not take it no more One day I got a call


And it all comes down, like the tumbling blocks, killing me softly every day by doing a silent talk, All that we are falls to a thousand pieces Caving in my lungs, when you do this to me. And I don't know why you seem so distant and anxious After what I have done, all that we've been through Seems your wandering heart drifted to foreign places Caving in my lungs as you almost take some name I don't understand, tell me am I dreaming? And as we meet the end, you sing me a silent song, again. It echoes in my head, screams I'm not the one anymore or never, I lived for you and I Is this how we say goodbye Hurt me most when you lied & cheated Felt joy when hurting the one who loved you Each day plan to get away and hurt the one To be with one, unknown I lived for you and I Is this how we say goodbye